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How to Quickly Draw Curly Hair

Hello guys. So I got my first blog up! Here is a tutorial about drawing curly hair, fished from on a drawing I worked on some time back. Basically, it's quite simple to do for that quick hair drawing (no pro kind of stuff.. haha) on an imaginary piece. However, you have to take close watch for shadows and highlights when drawing from a reference image. My medium was ordinary bond/printer paper of A4 size and 6B and 2B pencils. As usual, your comments and contributions will be appreciated. Hit me up for anything.


1. Step 1: Draw Faint Lines.

Define where the hair should reach, then draw some faint lines of the hair and its pattern (in this case curls), using an HB , H or 2H pencil. You can draw the face first or the hair first depending on your style, but my personal preference is to complete the face and then go to the hair. I usually do this so that I might go back to the face for finishing touches, highlights and whatnot.


2. Step 2: Add darker lines.

Add darker lines also in curled patterns. Make it random as possible, following the hair pattern/reference image. Use 2B or 4B pencil. For places like the end of hair streaks, use a mechanical pencil with a 2B lead (best results) or an ordinary highly sharpened pencil.


3. Step 3: Add shadows for all pitch black areas.

Add shadows by shading into random areas, or those dark areas as per your reference image.


4. Step 4: Continue to add Shadows and moderate with more darker lines.

Moderate the shadows with more darker lines where needed. At this stage you can also start smudging a few areas but not too much as that may lead to loss of 'hair' appeal.


5. Step 5: Add Highlights

Add highlights with an eraser or white pencil for all those areas where there are reflections of light.

This marks the end. Thanks for reading

I would encourage you to get practical. Try this out and share with others, hopefully with me too, the results you get. Because honestly, I would love to see! Otherwise, kindly forward, like, comment, share this with others you feel may appreciate it. I welcome comments and ideas from those who are professionals in the area too.

Let's get drawing!!!




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